Sacramento MBDA Export Center/California Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce teamed up with the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (Go-Biz), Asian Development Bank (ADB), and U.S. Commercial Service to present California businesses a live webinar series to learn about Asian Development Bank (ADB) programs and resources that will help businesses to bid and win global contracts across various industries.
The webinar series concluded with the Asian Development Bank Contracting Opportunities Webinar – Healthcare. Moderator, Saori Choulos, International Business Account Manager of the Sacramento MBDA Export Center, introduced Jason M. Chung, U.S. Executive Director of Asian Development Bank to provide commencement remarks, followed by Maye Saephanh, Interim VP of Global and Domestic Programs at the CalAsian Chamber, and Max Oltersdorf, Deputy Director of International Trade and Affairs at California Go-Biz.
Jeffrey Taylor, Director of Procurement Division 1 of ADB’s Procurement, Portfolio and Financial Management Department shared an overview of ADB and what to expect from ADB in the coming years.

The first presenter, Dr. Eduardo Banzon, Principal Health Specialist, SDCC, presented an overview of the ADB Health Sector goals and shared trends and opportunities for U.S. businesses within the current business landscape. Topics discussed include health in Asia and the Pacific over the last 50 years, statistics on the increased mobilization for Universal Healthcare (UHC), Health sector challenges, Health sector operations, and COVID-19 impacts and opportunities, and health sector grant opportunities.
Following Dr. Banzon, Julian Alexander Doczi, Procurement Specialist, PPFD, provided an insightful presentation of how to do business with ADB and the ADB procurement system. Mr. Doczi not only provided helpful tips on what to do and what not to do, but he also shared examples and suggestions for businesses who are new to ADB or who’ve not won bids in the past. Topics include ADB operations, business opportunities, procurement framework, and bidding strategies and identifying opportunities.
Following the informative presentations by ADB, the webinar moderator, Saori Choulos, led the group through an engaging discussion of both pre-submitted, and live, questions from the global audience in attendance. Countries represented include U.S.A, Philippines, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
Please review the webinar recording below and reach out to the Sacramento MBDA Export Center for questions and resources.
Webinar Recording Timestamps
- Welcome Remarks (00:00)
- ADB Business Opportunities: Project Pipelines – Health Sector (14.21)
- Doing Business with ADB and the ADB Procurement System (35:35)
- Q&A (01:11:08)

Contact the Sacramento MBDA Export Center for more resources or dedicated assistance.