The Sacramento MBDA Export Center/California Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce teamed up with the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (Go-Biz), Asian Development Bank (ADB), and U.S. Commercial Service to present California businesses a live webinar series to learn about Asian Development Bank (ADB) programs and resources that will help businesses to bid and win global contracts across various industries.
The webinar series began with Asian Development Bank Contracting Opportunities Webinar – Urban Development and Water Management, where Maye Saephanh, Interim VP of Global and Domestic Programs at the CalAsian Chamber, and Max Oltersdorf, Deputy Director of International Trade and Affairs at California Go-Biz, provided welcome remarks. Jason M. Chung, U.S. Executive Director, as well as Rustam A. Abdukayumov, Director, Procurement Division 2 from Asian Development Bank also provided introductory remarks by sharing an overview of ADB and what to expect from the webinar.

The first speaker, Manoj Sharma, Chief of Urban Sector Group, SDCC, presented on business opportunities and project pipelines for the Urban Sector. Topics discussed include Urbanizing Asia and the Pacific, ADB’s strategy 2030, Livable Cities Operational Priority Plan, and Post-COVID-19 New Normal, ADB’s Urban Sector Portfolio, and Opportunities in ADB’s Urban Sector.
Jacobus Veerman Senior Water Resources Specialist, SDCC, presented on business opportunities in the ADB Water Sector. Topics discussed include Overview of ADB’s Water Sector and 2030 Strategy as well as WSG Operations and Achievements.
The final speaker, Dharmesh Dawda, Procurement Specialist, PPFD, went into extensive detail on how to do business with ADB and shared guidance around the ADB Procurement System. Topics discussed include Types of Business Opportunities, ADB Portfolio Breakdown, Top-performing countries and suppliers within each type of opportunity, the Procurement Framework, and tips to help U.S. companies bid for ADB contracts.
Following the informative presentations by ADB, the webinar moderator, Saori Choulos, International Business Account Manager of the Sacramento MBDA Export Center, led the group through an engaging discussion of both presubmitted, and live, questions from the global audience in attendance. Countries represented include U.S.A, Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore, and France.
Please review the webinar recording below and reach out to the Sacramento MBDA Export Center for questions and resources.
Webinar Recording
Webinar Recording Timestamps
- Welcome Remarks (00:00)
- Business Opportunities: Project Pipelines – Urban Section (14:38)
- ADB Business Opportunities: Project Pipelines – Water Section (33:33)
- Doing Business with ADB and the ADB Procurement System (57:58)
- Q&A (01:26:34)

Contact the Sacramento MBDA Export Center for more resources or dedicated assistance.